About Maxo Joseph
Maxo Joseph Excellence in Direct Care Award is named in honor of Maxo Joseph, a direct care staff at MAB for more than 19 years, who died of COVID 19.
Maxo exemplified all the qualities we value most in direct care staff:
He was dedicated to ensuring that participants lived their best lives and went above and beyond to support the activities they loved.
- He gave his all and was a supportive team player, helping make his group home a great place to work.
- He was committed to ensuring that his work reflected the very highest standards of quality.
Maxo Joseph made a difference by working in our residential homes and providing care. Maxo cooked and cared for our clients; he supported fellow workers and cared for his aging mom.
Maxo Joseph was everything you’d want a residential counselor to be. He was loving, nurturing, reliable, skilled, and beloved by all who knew him. He worked for MAB providing direct care because caring for the participants was what he loved best. And when he wasn’t at work, he, along with the other members of his tight-knit family, cared for his 83-year-old mom.
Maxo was well known throughout Adult Disability Services. He always was the top vote-getter for his Haitian casserole at the Annual Picnic. He took pride in his Haitian cooking and decorated his entry with a miniature plastic palm tree. When he was on shift, Maxo always did the cooking at West Milton because he loved feeding everyone and taking care of them.
Maxo loved his work. He knew it was important.